H & Js In QuarkXPress
(Hyphenation and Justification)
Each Quark document can have its own H &
Js (Hyphenation and Justification specifications). Sometimes
text blocks are copied from one document to the next.
If the two documents were created using different H
& Js, the text in the target document will not flow
the same as in the source document. To preserve text
flow between documents you can append the H & Js
from the source document to the target document.
1. With the target document open, click File >
Append. In the dialog, select the source file for
the H & Js.
2. In the dialog click the H & Js tab. A list of
available H & J specifications will appear in the
"Available" box on the left.
3. Highlight the H & Js to be appended and click
the arrow pointing to the right.
4. The selected H & Js will appear in the "Include"
box on the right. Click "OK" to finish appending
them to your open document.