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  "Finesse" Text Effect With Canvas™ 7
Part Two

5. In the previous step, the gradient ink was applied with the text object selected (not the text itself). If the gradient ink would have been applied with the text selected, the result would have been different. You can vary the effect to suit your own taste a couple of different ways. To illustrate what I mean, select the text with the Text tool (not the Selection tool). The text will be highlighted.

6. When you apply the gradient ink with the text selected (not the text object), there is a subtle difference in the appearance of the ink. Compare the example below with the one in step 4.

7. Another way to vary the appearance of the gradient is to use the Vector Gradient tool. With the text object still selected, choose the Vector Gradient tool.

8. Drag the tool downwards over the text object (or Shift + drag to constrain the gradient vertically).

9. As you can see, when you release the mouse, the appearance of the gradient is different. It can be changed by varying the distance as well as the starting and ending points of the gradient. This was only done to show you how to vary the effect. For the remainder of this tutorial we will use the way the ink was applied in step 4.

10. Next we are going to make two shadow objects, a hard-edged shadow (vector object), and a soft shadow (paint object). Make sure the text object is selected and click Effect > Shadow. In the dialog use the settings shown below and be sure to choose an "Object" shadow type (circled, below). Click "Apply" to see the result without closing the dialog or simply click "OK" when done. Canvas creates a vector object and places it under the text object. With the shadow object still selected and with the view magnification at 100%, nudge it once with the down arrow key and once with the right arrow key. This moves it down and to the right one pixel each.

  Tip: When moving objects with the arrow keys, the distance an object moves depends on the magnification level (zoom). The distance objects move will be less at a higher magnification level than at a lower magnification level. A distance of a single pixel at 100% will be four times the distance as a single pixel at 400%.

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