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  Porting Files Across Platforms:

Following is a brief summary of the techniques for porting files across platforms.

There are basically two ways to port files between Macintosh® and Windows® platforms:

1. Over a network or . . .

2. Via removable media.

Porting Files Over a Network

The small office, home office (SOHO) graphic artist or web designer is more likely to use Windows 95 or Windows 98 rather than Windows NT. Windows 98 Second Edition (Windows 98 SE) offers Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).

ICS uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and will cause the PC to be a DHCP server. The DHCP server will assign an IP address (Internet Protocol address) to each client computer on the network.

A DHCP server will assign an IP address to a Macintosh computer running Mac OS 8.5 or higher and, as such, will allow connectivity between Macs® and PCs.

The Macintosh Power Mac® (PowerPC™) will recognize the PC file system. Microsoft® Windows 95 or Windows 98 will not recognize the Macintosh file system. Accordingly, when sharing files across platforms on a local area network (LAN), always use the Mac as the client and the PC as the server.

Installing PC MACLAN on a PC will allow direct drag-and-drop file sharing using the Finder on the Mac.

An alternate method for sharing files on a LAN is to use FTP. Setup the PC as an FTP server and the Mac as an FTP client.

Porting Files Using Removable Media

A Power Mac will read and write directly to a PC-formatted disk. Accordingly, use a PC-formatted disk to port files between a Mac and a PC whenever possible.

If you have a PC and someone gives you a Mac-formatted disk, you must use a third-party utility (such as MacDrive® or MacOpener®) on the PC to read from or write to the disk.


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