Basics - Part Two
Font Suitcases on The Mac®
On the Macintosh®, Type 1 screen fonts
and TrueType® fonts exist
in suitcases. A suitcase is a special kind of folder
made especially for fonts. A suitcase can contain a
mix of Type 1 and TrueType fonts. The following icon
shows what a suitcase looks like.

Following is a screen shot of an open
suitcase containing several screen fonts having different
bitmap sizes of Type 1 Helvetica Narrow. Each screen
font contains character bitmaps all having the same
point size. In the example below, there are bitmaps
for 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 points. Although there may
be several screen fonts for a single printer font, only
one is required.

Shown below is a screen shot of a suitcase
containing a family of TrueType fonts. A font "family"
is a collection of fonts of the same typeface having
different weights or varying characteristics (such as
italic, oblique or bold).

It is important to note that with Macintosh
fonts, you will see many different icons. For example,
Adobe® printer fonts have
a unique icon with a red "A":

In order to make sure you move all the
printer fonts and screen fonts together, you have to
recognize how they are paired. For example, the following
folder contains all the printer and screen fonts for
Adobe Garamond. There are six printer font files and
a single suitcase containing all the screen fonts for
the entire family.

When you open the suitcase you can see
that there are thirty screen fonts with five point sizes
for each printer font.

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