96. Using the Text tool
drag a new text object over the left side of the black
97. Set the font to 20 point URWGroteskT Bold with
20 points of leading and left justification. You can
use the Character and Paragraph tabs of the Type palette
(below), but you can also use the Text Ruler.
98. Using the Text Ruler, click the button for the Text
Fill Color.
99. In the Inks palette on the "Color" tab,
click the white tile.
100. Using the Text tool
type the words, "Sample Screen" in the new text
101. Create another text object with the text tool
in the white space below the reversed type in the approximate
location shown. Select some more "lorem ipsum"
from the body copy and paste it in the box. Format the
type using 12 point Helvetica with 12 points of leading
(you can copy and
paste text attributes as in steps 80 and 81). To make
the lead-ins stand out, select them and click the bold
type style button. The following steps describe how to
make the indents.
102. Click Layout > Display > Show Text Invisibles
to reveal the carriage returns and line feeds (hard and
soft returns). Note that the text is in one continuous
block. It is all done using 12 points of leading. With
careful formatting, you need not create separate text
boxes for each paragraph and lead-in. Select the paragraph
below the lead-in for the indent.
103. Bring up the Type palette and enter 18 points for
the left indent on the "Indent" tab.