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Text Link: Copy and paste the following and
edit to fit your site's format and space.
Tutorials - Free Fonts - Free Photoshop tutorials,
free fonts, QuarkXPress, Desktop Publishing and many
other graphics tutorials are offered at Mike's Sketchpad.
Buttons: You may also use one of these animated
buttons on your website.

88 x 31 pixels
31,040 bytes |
<a href="">
<img src="msbutani.gif"
width="88" height="31"
border="0" alt="Mike's
Sketchpad Graphics Tutorials"></a> |

88 x 31 pixels
31,317 bytes |
<a href="">
<img src="fontbutani.gif"
width="88" height="31"
border="0" alt="Mike's
Sketchpad Free Fonts Archive"></a> |
To download in Windows®: |
Right click image and select "Save
Image As..." |
To download in Mac®: |
Drag image onto the Desktop |
Copy the sample HTML provided next to
the graphic and paste it in your web page.