Animation Tips and Techniques - Part Two
Tip No.
3 (continued from previous page)
E. Remove unnecessary comment blocks.
The GIF89a format supports comment blocks. A comment
block is unseen by the viewer, but is readable in an
animation program. This is where an artist would put
a copyright notice or an email address or a web page
address. Never remove a comment block from an animation
created by another artist.
Example of a comment block in an animation:

Comment block text:

F. Use lossy GIF compression if available.
The GIF format uses lossless compression by default.
The latest generation of graphics software supports
a lossy compression scheme for GIF. The current versions
of ImageReady and Fireworks®
support lossy GIF compression. You set the amount of
loss using the Optimize palette:
ImageReady |
Fireworks |


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