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  Quark™ Documents - Pages

QuarkXPress™ is the industry standard page layout program. Although it is a professional level application with features that will handle virtually any pre-press circumstance that may occur, it is has a user-friendly, intuitive interface and is surprisingly easy to use.

QuarkXPress is designed for printed output. It is used for brochures, ads, newsletters and anything else that appears in print. Although Quark™ is not specifically made for web pages, there are utilities available such as Extensis® Beyond Press™ which can convert Quark pages into web pages.

A page layout program is like a word processor in that a document is built on a page. However, that is where the similarity ends because page layout programs, unlike word processors, allow the precise arrangement of text and images on the page. The first step in making a new document is the creation of the page itself. You determine the page size and dimensions and, like a graphic artists drawing board, Quark opens up a work area that looks like a blank page with a pasteboard on either side.

Basic Objects - Boxes and Lines

Quark is box-oriented so layouts are built by placing boxes on the page. They are drawn onto the page with the mouse. The type of box is determined by its content. A box can contain either text or an image, or it can contain nothing at all. Thus a box is either a "text box", a "picture box" or an empty box.

Boxes and line objects can be precisely positioned on the page. There are 72 points to an inch and objects can be positioned to within 1/1000th of a point. That's more than enough precision required for any job. The user selects the measurement system. Measurements can be set up in inches (standard or decimal), picas, points, millimeters, centimeters, Ciceros or Agates.

Object Shape, Outline and Color Properties

A box can be rectangular (or square), oval (or round), or polygonal (any number of sides). Previous versions of Quark limited the shapes of lines, boxes and polygons to straight line segments but the latest version allows curved line segments using Bezier curves more on Bezier curves.

An assortment of dashed and solid lines and preset frames are provided to vary the appearance an object's outline (or frame). Thus, shadow boxes can be made as well as a number of other effects. Anything that can't be done along this line directly in Quark can be drawn using Adobe® Illustrator® or another illustration program, then imported into Quark in a box and placed on the page.

Colors can be defined using any of the established color models - RGB, CMYK, HSB and LAB. Swatches from standard spot color systems are also supplied (PANTONE®, TOYO, DIC, TRUMATCH and FOCOLTONE). Each document contains is its own user-defined color palette. Colors can be created from scratch or copied from other documents and the supplied color swatches. Stroke (outline) and fill properties are applied to objects just like in illustration programs so the concepts learned in these applications apply here as well.

Tools and Preferences

Like illustration and image editing programs, Quark has a tool palette with tools for creating page objects and for modifying their shape, position and content. There also are other preferences you setup to tell Quark how you want to make documents. These are the individual settings or "environment" such as printer settings, units of measurement, etc.

There is a simple but important concept to grasp regarding tools and preferences. Tool and environmental settings made with no documents open become application defaults that go into effect when you create new documents. Settings made with an open document are retained only by the document when it is saved and are restored when the document is reopened for editing. Once a document is opened the working environment is replaced by the one saved with the document. New documents created while other documents are open will inherit the current working environment.

There is, however, a provision for making changes to application defaults while documents are open. This is done through the Edit > Preferences menu. Here one can make changes to either the application preferences or document preferences.

It is important that the working environment be saved with the document because documents are often sent to a service bureau for output on a high resolution device. The working environment can be restored when the document is reopened ensuring that it will print as intended.

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